Current Projects
County of Sacramento Department of Water Resources
As part of the D&A’s current on-call contract with Sacramento County Department of Water Resources, the Elder-Gerber Creek drainage model was updated and continues to be updated by D&A. The HEC-RAS model covers the full extent of Elder Creek and Gerber Creek and is used for planning and flood control purposes. Both current and ultimate conditions models could be compared to the baseline conditions to determine the development impacts. Model improvements were a fast-track effort, with full model updates completed within a two-month period.
MacKay and Somps Drainage Report Development
D&A has subcontracted with MacKay and Somps to provide drainage design, calculations, and studies for development projects throughout the Sacramento region. D&A provides studies in the region, many of which are for projects in Sacramento County DWR jurisdiction. Level 1, Level 2, and Level 4 studies have been prepared following the County’s drainage study requirements. In all cases, hydrology and hydraulics follow the County Drainage Manual Volume 2 and improvement plan Section 9 (Storm Drain Design). Drainage studies also considered the Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership Hydromodification Management Plan and the Sacramento Region Stormwater Quality Design Manual. D&A takes a comprehensive approach to drainage design to incorporate low-impact development, stormwater quality, hydromodification, and flood control.
For this work, I regularly develop pre-condition and post-condition models of the proposed development site. I regularly use HEC-HMS to develop the hydrology and HEC-RAS to determine the hydraulic response. County standards further require models such as SacCalc and SAHM, I regularly use these models for development analysis. Results from these models allow me to recommend the sizing of flood control basins and site-specific drainage design. I further assist with the writing of technical memoranda and drainage reports.
Recent Projects Include:
- Capitol SouthEast Connectore Hydraulic Study, 2024
- Grandpark Drainage Master Plan (Level 1 Study), 2024-Present
- Easton Pahse A Drainage Master Plan (Level 1 Study), 2023-Present
- Bilby Ridge Master Plan (Level 1 Study), 2023-Present
- Elder Creek and Gerber Creek 2024 FEMA Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), 2024
- Liberty at Lincoln Phase 1 FEMA Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), 2024
- Caperton Canal Construction, 2023
San Joaquin County Bridge Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis and Reports
D&A has provided Hydraulic Location Studies for several bridge designs throughout San Joaquin County. The two projects that I work on were Buckman Road Bridge over Duck Creek and Miller’s Ferry Bridge over the Mokelumne River.
For the Buckman Road Bridge project, I developed a HEC-RAS 2D hydraulic model for the bridge and surrounding floodplain. I tested multiple bridge layouts and approach roads with the goal of maximizing flow through the channel and maintaining overland release at the road. Project results were compiled into a Technical Memorandum that was shared with San Joaquin County and the Central Valley Flood Protection Board.
For the Millers Ferry Bridge project, I adapted an existing HEC-RAS 1D San Joaquin Delta Model for the bridge and surrounding floodplain. Working with San Joaquin County personnel, I performed hydraulic analyses for each bridge. After settling on a bridge design that met approved floorboard and navigation standards, I calculated scour conditions and recommended riprap configuration and sizing.
Phase 1b, 4, 5, &6 Arden Service Area Pipe and Meter Installation Project, Sacramento County Water Agency (SCWA)
(2021 - Present)
D&A is providing design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for approximately 80,000 feet of new 12-inch, 10-inch, and 8-inch DIP mainline. The project abandons old undersized backyard mains and includes replacing fire hydrants, reconnecting interties, reconnecting wells, and 1,300 metered service reconnections. Engineering services also include pipeline design, water system modeling, engineering services during construction, and utility coordination.
I assisted with drafting at multiple stages of the project. In the early phases, I took part in the development of the existing utility maps by adapting existing GIS maps, as-built drawings, surveys, and field verification to determine the best utility locations. Later in the development, I assisted with drafting plans, as well as reviewing plans and other supporting documents.
Rancho Murieta - Comunity Developmnet Plan and Mainaance
(2021 - Present)
D&A provides on-call engineering services for Rancho Murieta Community Services District. This work included providing reviews and comments for development plans and their associated drainage studies, sewer studies, and water studies. D&A provided the design for a major drainage outfall for RMCSD as an emergency project to drain major portions of the District to the Cosumnes River. The project required a fast-track design and construction schedule to establish the discharge system to the river before the 2022 winter.
I drafted plans for the repair of a storm drain outfall replacement project. I made performed mapping and calculations for a proposed gravity-fed raw water pipeline. I assisted with the development of cost estimates and maps for FEMA floodplain improvement projects.
Old Projects
Motherlode Force Main, Phase 3, El Dorado Irrigation District (EID)
(2021 - 2024)
Design complete and project out for bid. This project included approximately 17,249 linear feet of 18-inch and 20-inch DR 18 PVC force main within El Dorado County right-of-way and EID property. The design includes three phases to replace the remaining portions of the AC pipe force main. It includes design plans for horizontal directional drilling to reduce the impact on a riparian wetland, design alignments to minimize traffic impacts during construction, and design improvements for the 4 lift station reconnections.
For this project, I prepared the project plans for the three phases. This included developing existing utility maps, design alignments for plan and profile, and finalizing all drawings. I also reviewed and organized the project’s design specifications and participated in meetings with the district representatives.
Alta Loop Pipeline – Cable Road Water Main Replacement Project – Placer County Water Agency (PCWA)
(2021 - 2022)
Design complete and awaiting construction. Working under a principal engineer I prepaired contart plans for the design of a 6-inch PRV station and 4,660 linear-feet of 8-inch ductile iron pipeline within residential streets. The design included mainline replacement of old undersized main, replacing fire hydrants and reconnecting 42 residential metered services. The project required establishing an extensive water system model from the source to analyze the distribution system and confirm fire flows and PRV pressure settings.
Greenberry – Sacramento Suburban Water District (SSWD)
(2021 - 2022)
D&A analyzed the water system supplying the Greenberry apartment complex and provided SSWD with recommendations for its replacement. The analysis included preparing a hydraulic model and creating four different scenarios of pipe networks. The scenarios included minor upgrades and connections, individual meters, master meters, and full upsizing and replacement of all water mains. D&A prepared a technical report for the study which included the construction costs of different scenarios as well as a cost impact analysis factoring connection costs and metering rates for the homeowner’s association to remain a public or become a private water system.
State Streets Water Capacity and Sewer Rehabilitation Project, City of West Sacramento (CoWS)
(2021 - 2022)
The design includes preparing plans, specifications, and cost estimate for approximately 10,000 feet of new water main and rehabilitating approximately 38,000 feet of gravity sewer main within the CoWS State Street area. The prepared Contract Documents will allow CoWS to bid both the water mains and sewer main rehabilitations as a single project.
Stanley Avenue Water Main Replacement Project, Carmichael Water District
(2021 - 2022)
Construction completed in 2020. Prepared design and contract documentation for approximately 1,900 feet of 16-inch ductile iron pipe and 1,100 feet of 8-inch ductile iron pipe, 59 new metered service connection, fire hydrant replacement, two new 4-inch meters with backflow devices, a water sampling station, and a combination air valve. All work occurred within residential streets under Sacramento County jurisdiction.
Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems
Collaborators: Dr. Chad Higgins, Dr. Anne Nolin, Dr. Stephen Drake, Dr. David Rupp
Funding: National Science Foundation (2021 - 2022)
Years: (2018 - 2021)
The Willamette INFEWS project is a research effort, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and led by Oregon State University. The project focuses on the Willamette River Basin, a 11,600 mi2 (30,000 km2) watershed with diverse land use and a history of intensive study and integrated modeling. Within the context of this basin, this project asks: What are the tradeoffs and adaptation pathways that will help us satisfy competing ecological demands while also securing food, water and energy for a growing population?
Collaborators: Dr. Anne Nolin, Jack Tarricone
Funding: NASA Terrestrial Hydrology Program
Years: (2019 - 2020)
SnowEx is a five year program initiated and funded by NASA THP to address the most important gaps in snow remote sensing knowledge. It focuses on airborne campaigns and field work, and on comparing the various sensing technologies, from the mature to the more experimental, in globally-representative types of snow. The goal is to address the most important gaps in our snow remote sensing knowledge, and thus lay the groundwork for a future snow satellite mission.
McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antartica Stream Team, MCM LTER
Collaborators: Dr. Dian McKnight, Dr. Michael Gooseff, Zach Sudman
Funding: National Science Foundation, United State Antarctic Program
Years: (2015-2016) & (2016-2017)
The McMurdo Dry Valleys LTER project is an interdisciplinary study of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in a cold desert region of Antarctica. In 1992 this area was selected as a study site within the National Science Foundation’s Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) Program.
Arikaree Environmental Lab, INSTAAR
Years: (2013-2014)
The Arikaree Environmental Lab is the environmental chemistry lab for the Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research site. The lab can analyze water, snow, soil, and air samples for major solutes and nutrients. Equipment includes an ion chromatograph, atomic absorption spectrometer, total organic carbon analyzer, spectrophotometric flow injection analyzer, and isotopic liquid water analyzer among other instruments.